Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Well hello 2013, and goodbye 2012!

2012 is gone and no looking back, full steam ahead to 2013...the first day of the rest of our lives.

Simplify, simplify, simplify. As I approach this year with great enthusiasm, I am determined to keep it simple. To revel in the small things and to enjoy life simply and uncomplicated, is the top priority for me.

I plan to expand and pursue my deep desire to travel and yes I mean to other places besides Puerto Rico. Ideally, I would love to go and visit my daughter in Holland, not sure it will pan out but I hope so. I also want to visit some local gems.
Looking forward to new adventures and diving into the unfamiliar.

I intend to slow down a bit with some things, look into getting a couple different certifications and a few other things dive head first into them.

My goals are different, as the end of 2012 changed me forever. I saw just how quickly things change, people change and events happen that leave their mark or they did on me any way.

I am going to try to be more verbal, I said try. That is not a strong suit for me as I would rather turtle up and not say anything. That one is tougher to me than any other goal I have.

Wish me luck!

Paleo Challenge Day 1 was a success!

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