Saturday, December 29, 2012

A tad early, but no time like the present....

Simplicity then, is not something to be ashamed off, but rather an achievement.

As 2012 comes to a close, I decided to full steam ahead dive into the happiness project.  I was introduced to this book, The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin by a friend.   In her book she outlines her own happiness project.  I was impressed by her blogging and how it turned into a book that as made quite and impact on me, enough so that I decided to start my own.  

How it works?  List making should be done determining what "things" attribute to or take away from your personal happiness.  When doing this list making, I deduced that I needed to simplify my life, my relationships included.  

1)  Being dependent on too many "things" causes me to be stressed. The main one is my phone, it used to be my garmin, but the battery died.

2) Simplistic living, even in the pantry.  Thank Paleo for this one, my pantry is nice and tidy, is devoid of most junk food.  (Teenagers cannot be deprived of their fix as well as my husband.)  In other words decluttering and being able to clearly see what is in the pantry leads to better choices.  Getting rid of "things" throughout the house, including clothes and unneeded items help to simplify even just routine cleaning.  This year Nik and I will be planting a garden and even more herbs.  I'm excited about that project too!

3)Managing Time and Not Wasting It - self explanatory

4)Stop worrying what people think, yes I do this too.  

5)Avoid the people who only know how to bring more clutter to my life. 

6) Finding somewhere to volunteer as much as possible while realizing that I might not have the best of everything but I have a whole lot to be thankful for.

So we shall see how this adventure goes, and don't get my wrong I am happy in my life, of course there are areas to improve, but all in all I am happy. 

What I want to do is simply my life, recognize what truly makes me happy and accentuate those things while eliminating people and things that don't bring joy to my life. 

So here's to 2012 ending and 2013 beginning...personal goals list starting to form and soul searching...reevaulation at its finest.  Stay tuned!

“The more you think and talk about your goals, the more positive and enthusiastic you become.” ~ Billy Cox

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, I'm a new follower. I like your simplifying life project. I think the paleo diet is really the best diet for human beings, it's the most natural!
