Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Basking in the glory...a little crazy, but I needed all those miles tocome up with the following...read on.


I posted the above link to another blog I write, to share with new followers of my new blog of the happiness project.

My life has always been a whirlwind. Mostly good, seriously I can't really complain because life is what you make of it and I am determined to be nothin else but happy.

Life throws us curve balls and I swear running is the most perfect metaphor of life. I speak from experience. The run I dread ends up being the best of my life. The runs I decide to just have fun and not focus on a time, I end up with better times. My drive and determination is unparalleled and I will explain why. I have always had to work for anything I have. Work, hard. So when I decide to take on a new challenge I am not scared at all of the work and I throw my whole self into whatever it may be.

When I decided to do this happiness project venture, I made the choice to declutter my life in many aspects. One that has been a main focus presently is focusing on the people who are important in my life. People that impact my life, in a positive way, recognizing the toxic and removing them from being key players in my life. I am far too old for high school dramatics.

As adults, especially women, we need our core group of friends, ones that are there for us at the drop of a hat during a need, and vice versa. Friendship has to be balanced. One-sidedness is not acceptable.

For example, when is the last time a friend asked how are you, and seriously wanted to know? Exactly what I thought...thinking now, huh?

I've had to re-evaluate, regroup, shed some tears, and rethink just what I need in a friend and what my friends need from me. I also had to think if I was able to give them the fair amount of what they also need. I had to think about how each one of them make me feel when I'm around them, happy, sad, drained, whatever emotion they evoke. I know all situations will not be happy involving friends, but when I need one or she needs me, will we help each other or bring each other down? It was tough and a harsh reality.

Here is what I mean,

-I can't expect a friend to drop everything for me if I am not willing to do the same.

-I can't expect a listening ear, if I can't give one myself.

-I can't expect to have a huge amount of friends, there is not enough of me to go around.

We need a net of women, a web, one that supports and holds us up, keeps us, puts us back together when we fall apart and will look us dead square in the eye and tell us when we are being ridiculous.

I'm keeping the strong women, the ones that I can depend on, the ones that support me, the ones that love me unconditionally and have no hidden agendas. Ones that I can actively be a part of their lives to support them as well!

Pick wisely, it has taken me years to finally get the jest of it, but with the events that have happened in my life over the past few years, I have learned through much heartache and tears who I can count on. I learned who talks put of both sides of their mouths, I learned who carries the "knives" to stab you in the back. It's a harsh reality but it is what it is.

Hats off to my girls. I may not see you all often or even talk to you often due to geographic challenges, but when we do, we pick up right where we left off. That's what true friendship is all about. The ones I'm lucky enough to see often or hear from nearly daily, my core friends, I'm so fortunate to have them. I have the best friends a girl could have.

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